Observation and Curiosity

I often ponder upon the majestic yet simple rules the fauna abides by,
Nature’s harmony digs in a feeling of pleasure and hopes I cannot define,
It makes me reflect on the lives we live with all the complexities, rules, and yet so many flaws,
I contemplate if these complexities have been the roots holding us all down,
If its the differences we made in recognizing one another,
Somehow pulling us away from following our majestic stay,

If it would be better to not conflict over differences but simply rejoice in our moments of recognition,
I contemplate, speculate, and try to understand,
All these unwanted rules I wish I could annihilate,
A last battle which isn’t fought by blood,
But by hearts and heads thinking alike,
Would it help show the people in the world a new light,
I feel that a smile brought about by a hug is a much sweeter treat to bide by than the blood that flows to stand on a ground which i believe could be shared by all alike.

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